Links and Articles
We will share information and links to resources to help with continuing education about the
Vacation Home/Short-Term Rental Industry.

Social Media and Websites
Here are some social media links and websites that have caught our attention:
On Facebook (click to access the link to the page):
Short Term Rental Certification
New to Short Term Rental, Airbnb, and Hosting
For Articles and Links to Industry News:
(Note: the information shared on this page may be from sources outside of this site. We may or may not agree with everything within their sites and articles. This isn't an endorsement and we receive no payments for listing the links. This is about sharing information).
The Distinguished Guest
Rent Responsibly
Solution Inc. blog about technology (see the article regarding the VRMA conference)
NoiseAware blog The Big 5 Don'ts for Short Term Rentals

We appreciate associations have officers and members who have graduated from the STR Certification Course!
Nevada Vacation Rental Professionals (NVRP)
this is the Nevada Affiliate of the Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA)
see or contact Paula at
National Association of Residental Property Managers (NARPM), Southern Nevada Chapter
Nevada NARPM®
Nevada NARPM®
Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA)
Rent Responsibly
Global Vacation Rental Association
Conferences and Networking Events
See Events & Promotions page for a calendar of upcoming events, continuing education opportunities, and more!
Association and Event Lists
Rent Responsibly has put together a list of STR-focused associations in many states.
It's important to do your own research into the association before you join (what is the mission and the role within the community; who are the officers and members; what are the dues and obligations for membership; what have they accomplished, and what issues or projects are they currently working on; do you agree with their core values and purpose; etc.)
Here's information about joining the Rent Responsibly Network:
Municipal Highlights:
We're sharing information and links to municipal sites focused on STR regulations and governance.
Clark County, Nevada
The 2021 Nevada Legislature passed AB 363 into law.
It affects parts of Clark County, Nevada.
The City of Henderson, Nevada
The City of Henderson, Nevada, passed an ordinance for processing registration applicants for homeowners who wish to host their homes to guests for short stays.
The City of Henderson STVR Registration has been online since 11/12/19. The City revised the original ordinance in November 2020, adding new restrictions and some clarifications. In February 2022, the ordinance was changed again to align with AB 363 mandates.
The City of North Las Vegas, Nevada
Here are the draft regulations and information released for review and comment. The City says that they plan to discuss and present in upcoming meetings, then vote on the final draft of their ordinances at their October City Council meeting. Here are links to the documents:

The City of Las Vegas, Nevada
The City of Las Vegas, Nevada officials searched for trustworthy education about the Vacation Home/Short-Term Rental industry and found a lot of dangerously bad information in webinars and blogs---but no courses about laws and best practices.
Council Members asked Julie Davies if she would write a course, and she did. Most of their permit applicants have been required or strongly encouraged to take the STR Certification Course because they've noticed a positive difference in course graduates.
Mayor Carolyn Goodman said: “Often the most complicated of issues unravel unless a new course is achieved through education and open communication. Once everyone is educated on an issue and is willing to discuss it rationally, a compromise can be found.”
The City is working on refining their regulations. Here is a link to their information:
Washoe County, Nevada
The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners will be introducing and conducting the first reading of an ordinance related to the regulation of Short-Term Rentals (also known as Vacation Rentals) located in unincorporated Washoe County on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 10 am through a ZOOM meeting (with follow-up the month later).
The City of Vancouver, BC
Some cities recognize that there has been a societal change in how people want to conduct short stays while traveling and are finding ways of making this emerging industry a positive part of their community. This City's approach to STR governance is evident in a video on their Shape Your City page. Their video link is an excellent example of this successful approach to STR governance.

Ordinance Components for Municipalities to Consider
We are often asked if there are example STR ordinances that create the best code compliance and less disruption to a community.
It's difficult to cite specific ordinances because each community, culture, and goals are different, along with the existing laws the municipality must consider and work within. But our research has shown that specific ordinance components provide a better chance of success than others.

Ordinance Components for
Municipalities to Consider
Cities and counties considering ordinance revisions have asked for components that work. Leading STR advocates offered feedback and here is the draft list that we share:
The main formula for STR Governance Success includes:
reasonable regulations with components that are appropriate for the unique area, its culture, and its STR governance goals.
a clear and expeditious path to legal hosting (with reasonable fees, along with ample zoning and available permits to fill STR consumer demand with legal STR hosting).
quality STR education (quality education helps hosts know how to read ordinance---and why and how to be code-compliant, neighborhood-friendly, more profitable, and successful).
clear definitions for types of businesses allowed, occupancy limit, safety & health standards, and length of stays defined as STR (very different from LTR). Regulations should be consistent with other applicable laws and regulations.
Consistent and sure code enforcement. It can't just be a "barking dog;" the ordinance needs to have "teeth." (We are working on sample enforcement code components, too). The best enforcement tool is to get businesses registered.
STRs can be a positive part of the community through wise STR governance!
How to Participate in Meetings
We're often asked how a person can participate in a public meeting or association, like an HOA.
First, research the rules of the organization, such as the membership, bylaws, or participation qualifications. How do they run their meetings and the business of the organization?
Join! Become an active member. Observe before you comment, propose changes, or make judgements. We should be open to learning from other members in the group.
Identify the leaders and the influencers in the group. They may be the formal leaders, former leaders, or they could be just active participants.
Learn the parliamentary authority they use. You may not be able to participate if you aren't following their rules and the proper order of the meeting.
Know that you will not likely agree with everything or everyone within the organization. That's okay. And you won't always have things go your way. Sometimes we need to compromise, regroup, or start fresh from another angle. Be civil and respectful!
Here is a link to download a short training handout prepared for a recent meeting about Robert's Rules of Order and Agendas:

What Can We Do About Ongoing Infection Control (Post-Pandemic)
Our world changed from the effects of a highly-contagious virus. Who could have predicted that our businesses, schools, and services would be closed? And we couldn't predict the short-term and long-term effects we would experience. It isn't "business as usual."
Here are some links to tips, articles, guidelines, and products that may help you prepare for opening, deal with ongoing challenges and opportunities, respond to recommendations and mandates, and help you, your team---and your guests stay healthy. We want to avoid future waves of virus-inspired crisis situations.
Study the best practices from leaders in cleaning and disinfection. Use proper chemicals and dilution ratios. Give products time to work. Use procedures and products that will best help you protect yourself, your team, and your guests.
Each Button has a link to an article, graphic, video, or site with more resources.

( and here's a bit of humor amid the facts)

COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting TIPS
As our businesses open, we need to use caution through our actions and use of best practices to ensure the safety of our STR teams and guests.
Here are some links and tools that may help. You need to choose the procedures and products most appropriate for your location, property, team, and market (along with regulations and government mandates).
Some of the resources are the extreme measures we use in high-risk health care settings, but it's good to compare practices to know what to apply to your situation.